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May 23, 2011


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I will comment on intellectual property issue:
Under "agreement" in China many Chinese will understand as verbal agreement. One must remember that you are dealing with western mind set where fear of 'loosing face' is well imbedded in the thinking of the self respecting business man.
So if you are dealing in the first place with known and respected company / people then you can have a security of the NDA as well general business trust build without any paperwork. Not to mention that foren company have lite chance enforcing complex agreements in the local court that rule if favor of locals.
So, travel China, meet people, spend time with them, build relationship, judge character and you will be OK.
My 2 cents worth of experience.
Tod from www.pa-international.com.au

Clay Williams

I LOVE hearing this. We are 'made in the USA', but I was speaking to a manufacturing CEO out of Florida who has a bad opinion of the quality he's seeing from American vs Chinese factories. Americans need to step up! We have the work ethic and attention to detail, we have just become unhappy with good, honest labor-intensive jobs.

printing services

The manufacturing industry has issues that need to be addressed as well. It's about balancing the funds.

business consultant

Trends aren't as black and white as it may seem, though. There other considerations to factor in, such as the cost of constructing/refitting manufacturing equipment and locations. Another probability is that another market or country may rise up to fill China's manufacturing shoes.

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